Breqwatr Cloud
Breqwatr Cloud is a comprehensive cloud solution that offers a wide range of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) services powered by OpenStack. It has been specifically designed to cater to the needs of cloud-based, scale-out applications, SaaS, PaaS, Big Data analytics, and AI/ML.
Our product range includes Public Cloud, Private Hosted, and Private On-Prem, and we are committed to providing you with the best possible service. We be delighted to provide you with more information.
Contact Us to learn more.
Self-service allows developers and internal users to quickly access their resources to increase the cadence of delivering new services & features.
Helps meet data residency, regulatory compliance and audit requirements, with the known security profile of an on-premises deployment.
Software Defined Datacenter (SDDC) with OpenStack IaaS for server virtualization and Kubernetes for cloud native apps.
Designed to enable modular expansion, linear scalability, and the tools to create portable, run-anywhere applications.

Unlocking the Power
of an open, enterprise grade cloud built in Canada
At Breqwatr, we deliver white-glove managed private cloud services with the convenience and promise of public cloud, from the safety and control of your datacenter or colocation facility. We take a holistic approach to supporting our customers in industries that include financial services, retail, healthcare and public sector. Our customers benefit from knowing we are responsible for the underlying infrastructure that supports their business-critical applications.
Our Cloud delivery eliminates the complexity of building and managing a private cloud, and it supports Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) via a cloud APIs. Our cloud platform automates time-consuming operational tasks, empowering IT teams to accelerate application development with self-service and on-demand provisioning of all resources (compute, storage, networking).
Breqwatr was established in 2014 in Toronto and has been a cloud-native infrastructure company ever since. All Breqwatr development is performed 100% within Canada, with all developers residing in Toronto and Ottawa.

Why Breqwatr
Increase Agility
Rapidly deploy servers
Rapidly deploy apps
Easily add resources
Remove legacy silos
Reduce Costs
Cloud economic model
Lower OpEx Spending
Maximise ROI
Improve efficiency
Reduce Risks
On-premise cloud
Accessible environment
Dedicated hardware
Behind corporate firewall